How to Make Yummy Sago and coconut cream dessert with mango

Sago and coconut cream dessert with mango.

Sago and coconut cream dessert with mango You can have Sago and coconut cream dessert with mango using 7 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Sago and coconut cream dessert with mango

  1. You need of for sago with coconut cream.
  2. Prepare of sago.
  3. You need of vanilla bean.
  4. Prepare of coconut cream.
  5. You need of coconut milk pure.
  6. You need of sugar.
  7. Prepare of fruits.

Sago and coconut cream dessert with mango instructions

  1. Soak sago overnight (big pearls). I avoid smaller ones..
  2. drain them in the morning and wash them under tap for a few seconds..
  3. in a saucepan, mix coconut milk , sugar, vanilla bean..
  4. add sogo to mixture and cook on medium heat..
  5. let it cook till the sago becomes translucent completely. keep stirring it. keep on slow flame. it make take some time to cook so we have to be a little be patient..
  6. when it becomes translucent. swith off the gas and keepn it to cool. remove the vanilla pod and throw it..
  7. add coconut cream to it once it is cooled..
  8. since it has starch, it will have a slight gel like consistency when cooled..
  9. take small ramekins and add mango puree to it. then add the sago cream mix and top it with fruits..

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