Recipe: Yummy AMIEs Peaches with Ice cream and Apricot sauce

AMIEs Peaches with Ice cream and Apricot sauce.

AMIEs Peaches with Ice cream and Apricot sauce You can cook AMIEs Peaches with Ice cream and Apricot sauce using 6 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of AMIEs Peaches with Ice cream and Apricot sauce

  1. It's of peaches, halves.
  2. Prepare of apricots.
  3. It's of vanilla ice cream.
  4. It's of juice of half lemon.
  5. You need of sugar.
  6. Prepare of pistachio nuts, finely chopped.

AMIEs Peaches with Ice cream and Apricot sauce instructions

  1. Put the ice cream inside the peaches. Mix together the apricots and lemon juice with 25 grams of sifted sugar in a blender. Blend until becomes creamy and soft..
  2. Arrange the peaches in a serving plate with apricot sauce. Dash with pistachio nuts. Serve immediately..

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