Recipe: Yummy No me olvides (ice cream with cake)

No me olvides (ice cream with cake).

No me olvides (ice cream with cake) You can cook No me olvides (ice cream with cake) using 5 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of No me olvides (ice cream with cake)

  1. Prepare of caramel topping.
  2. Prepare of marshmallow topping.
  3. Prepare of ice cream.
  4. You need of cake.
  5. It's of wallnuts.

No me olvides (ice cream with cake) instructions

  1. Swirl on a cup the toppings.
  2. Cut cake into cubes.
  3. Put a layer of the cake cubes on the cup.
  4. Put a layer of ice cream and another layer of cake and so on as desired.
  5. Add some wallnuts and more toppings.
  6. Enjoy.

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